5 Reasons why Men’s Long Hair ROCKS!! Wake Shake and Go™ Long Hair Precision Layering is a great Idea for EZ everyday use wherever you are

Most men are probably less likely to be enthusiastic about fussing with their hair everyday before leaving to go somewhere as it’s in the Jeans… Testosterone is a driving force that can compromise patience creating the wanting to be there doing something already mode.
Sometimes a little preparation goes a long way. But wouldn’t you rather decide on your own?
The ability to just go when you want to anytime day or night without hiding your locks under a hat or perpetual ponytail because it looks great is almost a SuperPower.
Forget about the hair drier, curling iron, counter full of chemical fixes as a necessity to look good. Sporting the LONG HAIR ROCKS® Wake Shake and Go™ Hair Layering System makes Gravity one of your hair’s best friends, making those time consuming things a fun option rather than a daily imposed duty.
Wake Shake & Shower then let nature dry your hair to look amazing. What’s that worth?
For some a flight in or a long drive, because this technology for the living art your hair has become serves you every day.
We do the work for you with Technology and Engineering of our own creation developed over 30 years of intense R & D because the founder and inventor doesn’t like to hassle with her long hair and has found a way to bring this to you with accuracy every time. Your progress is measured and charted. The “Awkward Stages” that the impersonators willingly infringing on this seasoned registered brand pretending to be LONG HAIR ROCKS / Long Hair ROCKS / long hair rocks/ lOnG hAir rOcKs/ etc are giving terrible & clueless advise to sell dangerous* male hormones under our name which is racketeering. Just look at the online horror stories of deformed children & the severe warning labels for intimacy during pregnancy, a used towel or broken pill contact by girls in and pre puberty can alter their lives.
Expert layering can provide Loft covering up receding hairlines and thin areas with the special techniques designed by the founder to make your hair look fuller and fill in gaps.
Regular trimming removes split ends and stimulates growth which you support with common sense good nutrition and exercise.
Mineral Absorption it’s an important key and with the long hair Rocks® mineral mud for soaking in derived from both plants and Rocks is an easy and wonderfully relaxing way to aid hair growth as well as the plethora of supplements. Everyone is unique what works for 1 may not work for another.
Trimming and sealing ends with advanced LONG HAIR ROCKS® cutting instruments* works for all.